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What Is Spiritual Intelligence?

Spirit implies the invisible. Spiritual Intelligence therefore, has to do with people’s thoughts and beliefs, rather than their bodies and physical surroundings. Understanding the spiritual means bringing into focus the invisible and its challenging when you live in a physical and material world. It requires effort, dedication and discipline to discover your “invisible self” and all its hidden aspects.

“Not seeing a thing is not the same as seeing it’s non-existence.” HH Dalai Lama

Everything has an invisible principle. Everything has an opposite principle whilst you live this physical life on Earth. Where there is visible there is invisible. Where there is a physical, there is automatically a meta-physical. Where there is black there is white. Most of my work is based in the practice of bringing balance through the polarities and unifying these opposites. It’s this process which helps develop self- awareness. If you invest in anything in life then spend time in self development. It helps you to find your way and your place, keep on track, build better relationships, create confidence, maturity, and self sufficiency.

You must become aware of your thoughts and emotions (invisible energy). Your thoughts, together with your feelings, motivate and create your words and actions. Your actions or behaviour are a direct reflection of who you really are. Most of us spend our lives living unconsciously in habitual thoughts, feelings, words and actions which are often “knee jerk” reactions. By consciously correcting your thoughts by becoming more self-aware, you will realize that you always have choice over your thoughts. You are able to mange your emotions and regulate them. This is a sign of maturity. You may believe that you exercise choice already, but are in reality stuck unconsciously in the comfort zones of your behavior. You therefore wield no choice. To control thought is to control self. To control self is to take charge of your life.

Spiritual intelligence therefore does not mean an automatic connection with religion or with the “New Age” consciousness that has been prevalent for the past few decades. Both of these paths teach (and very often dogmatically preach) ways, beliefs, or tools that anyone can use in order to understand yourself better, to attain divinity, Godliness or your full potential. However, the real issue lies in the ability of the person implementing the chosen belief, quality, behaviour, action or tool, to use integrity, common sense, honesty, compassion, maturity and responsibility. The purpose of a tool is to use it for a specific purpose and then put it away till next time. The intention with which you use the tool is key.

Physical (PQ)as well as intellectual intelligence (IQ) are emphasized in our world. Emotionally (EQ) the world is deeply troubled, and spiritually it’s (SQ) bankrupt. This is easy to see because we live in a world that is filled with an overload of information, arrogance, bias, war, greed and suffering, but very scarce in humanity.

“When my client has learned to answer their own questions, my job is done”

Need to know more? WhatsApp on +27823740940 or email on to book a complimentary 20-minute session to discuss this in more detail.


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