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The Universal Law of Gender

In liberating women, we have unleashed more masculine energy than ever before. Women have taken on masculine qualities to fight for their rights but have remained stuck in that behaviour ignoring the power of the feminine. The scales have swung right over into a huge imbalance, but how to restore that balance lies within each of us.

We must identify and utilize both yin/ feminine and yang/masculine qualities within the self, by looking at the law of gender. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a male or a female we all have these qualities within us just as the sun and moon, black and white, night and day exists.

This law states that everything has its masculine & feminine principle’s. The principles are the basis for all creation, do not only refer to the differences between men and women and operate on the physical as well as spiritual planes. We see the two principles’ operating in heat, light, magnetism, where the masculine energy directs itself to the feminine energy, thus beginning the creative and productive process. A light bulb will not produce light unless there is a male and a female component that when linked, creates light. Electricity is created when we plug a male and a female socket into each other and the two charges unite. We all have access to both left (yang, masculine) & right brain (yin, feminine) qualities. A balance between the two is essential to create & co-create and to be whole.

Life is made up of polarities e.g. ‘Yes’ – ‘No’ and in between the two are a myriad of possibilities where a ‘Maybe’, a ‘Hard No’, an ‘I’ll think about it’ or a ‘Big Yes!’ sit. All these variables are behavioural patterns and qualities that are available to us that occur between the two basic polarities. We can transform life and ourselves being able to move between these poles of behaviour and learn to consciously choose how to behave in any given situation having a good idea of its outcome as well.

Male polarity: Stable Polarity. This energy is stable, absolute, unchangeable, neutral, impenetrable, and non-judgmental. Qualities: teacher, problem solver, protector, extrovert, verbal, aggressive, impulsive, bold, self-assured, ruling, controlling, committed, resistant to change, independent, fearless, skeptical, controls feelings, doer, attacks/defends.

Female polarity: Flowing Polarity. Its energy moves, changes, transmutes, transforms, and is ever evolving. Qualities: healer, nurturer, supporter, introvert, silent, passive, careful, cautious, modest, flexible, detached, non-committal, open to change, codependent, respectful, responsive, exposes feelings, thinker, retreats.

Neither polarity is better or worse, weaker, or stronger, but integrating each of these qualities into your daily life will bring balance and freedom to choose how to behave.

“When my client has learned to answer their own questions, my job is done”.

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