Discovering spiritual quotient, the intelligence of the whole being.

Workshops, Talks, A Course, Retreats, One on One, Family groups, Private and Professional sectors and will be tailor made for the specific audience, online and in person.

S.Q or Spiritual Quotient, is the intelligence of the whole being, is central to all other intelligence and becomes the source of guidance for them all. It’s the human capacity to ask questions about the meaning of life and the integrated relationship between us and the world in which we live. The other quotients are Emotional (E.Q), Intellectual (I.Q) and Physical (P.Q) and all four make up the whole/holistic person who is greater than the sum of several parts.

Spiritual intelligence allows us to see the holistic big picture, break out of existing parameters of thought, be self-aware, to question everything and ourselves, grasp the meaning, value, purpose in all we do, to think laterally, develop vision, creativity, see larger patterns and connectedness, have deep empathy and to live by natural-law and not man-made law.

Spiritual Intelligence does not mean an automatic connection with either Old Age religion or with New Age paths. The word ‘spirit’ implies that which is invisible, not physical, that which relates to our deepest thoughts and feelings, our real self and not our mistaken self-image, and is our evolving consciousness. Organised paths teach ways, beliefs, or tools that anyone can use to understand the ‘self’ better and strive for divinity, Godliness, attaining our full potential. However, whether the chosen belief is lived with integrity, common sense, honesty, empathy, responsibility, courage, humility, wisdom, and maturity is another whole question.

Someone with a high Spiritual Intelligence:

  • Always sees the bigger picture and larger patterns.
  • Has the capacity to question, see potential, opportunity, has vision and capacity for transcendence.
  • Thinks creatively, innovatively, is flexible, adaptable and is not easily trapped by externally imposed limitation or self-imposed restrictions.
  • Is fully accountable for the creation of their world, understanding consequence.
  • Understands that everything is connected.
  • Can get out of their own way(ego) and see things neutrally, helped by living in a state of presence.
  • Is mindful, compassionate, wise, sensitive, refined, intuitive, virtuous.
  • Is connected to nature and natural laws.
  • Can enter heightened spiritual states of consciousness.
  • Will always search for and find deeper meaning and purpose in life investing everyday life with a sense of the sacred.
  • Can think for themselves (I.Q) is physically aware and healthy (P.Q) can emotionally self-regulate (E.Q) in times of rapid change, shift, and chaos where they will adapt easily (S.Q).
  • Are self-sufficient on all levels and self-reflect turning inward for answers.
  • Invests in developing self-awareness, learns from challenge, feels called to serve and values diversity.

Spiritual Quotient is uniquely human, it is our consciousness and requires humility primarily to flourish.

All content is developed, written, and facilitated by Barbara Scogings, owner of Barbara Scogings – Inspiring Self- Awareness.